Friday, May 11, 2012

Ice Cream, Veggies, and -- SQUIRREL!

 Some great responses to yesterday's report.  Lots of fans of monkeys, though I agree with one submitter that large monkeys are sometimes a bit disconcertingly *too* human.  Another boasted about being lucky enough to avoid following the 10 Commandments of Meetings by simply avoiding meetings altogether.  And yet another noted some potential for an exciting level in Walden, wherein the player takes part in the "war between two races of ants, the red always pitted against the black," that Thoreau describes in Chapter 12.  I wonder, though... Would you play as one ant engaged in battle, or would you command an ant army?

So now, dear readers, what rewards do you get for reaching the end of the week?  How about some ice cream?  Seriously!  Chicken and Waffles ice cream!  How crazy is that?  And here I was thinking I was all big and creative two years ago when I candied a bunch of bacon, tossed it in fudge ice cream, and called it "Pig Pen."  These guys blow me away.  Of course, I get it, that's not for everyone.  Vegetarians, for starters... But as I'm drafting this before bed, I've no doubt that I'll have ice cream dreams tonight.  Though hopefully not as vivid as this kid's...  (Does anyone else find it weird that there are SO many links to other videos of kids in similar sleep-versus-treat dilemmas?  Though I admit at least two of our readers have access to a photo of a young reporter with his face in a bowl full of breakfast... And if either of those readers provide them, they will be included in a future report.)

As for the aforementioned vegetarians, perhaps you should have a word with this blogger.  These reviews of vegetables, while undeniably hilarious and mildly NSFW (in the event that your boss doesn't like F-Bombs emblazoned across your computer screen) suggest that the blogger eats nothing but meat and potatoes.  (See the "About" page for the exoneration of potatoes.)   If this veggie-hating blogger was a zoo animal, I bet we'd see this sort of behavior.  Except for the manatee one.  Manatees are all about the veg.  Sea cows.

If animals are going to come that close to me, I want them to be a little more docile.  Something smaller.  Something like... The animals that have come far too close to me for the past four years.  Aww, squirrels.  Love those guys.  So many of them hanging out in the snow!  So many of them with little snow flakes on their little noses!  And I'm loving the leg-lift on the kitten-kiss.

And with that, I leave you for the weekend; I'm off to New York!  But I'll spend a little of today in Yoknapatawpha County, celebrating the 60th anniversary of the publication of William Faulkner's Go Down, Moses, one of my personal favorites!

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