Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Animals with Moms, Windows, and Apples

Ah, the terrible Tuesday.  That longest day of the week, when the weekend seems like it was ages ago, and next weekend is a distant speck on the horizon.  And lord knows we all look forward to the weekends, even if it means two Report-less days.  And Report-less weekends mean there was no Report this past Sunday; the only person who received communication from me that morning was Mom.  While that is great for Mom (and I hope you wished all of your mothers a Happy Mother's Day, dear readers!), it meant that as a collective readership, we could not enjoy a selection from the glut of adorable mom-stuff that found its way online this weekend.

Well then, let's consider today "Mother's Day (Observed)" and take a look at something cute.  While Time Magazine is getting all the buzz about moms lately for their controversial cover photo (BOOBS!), Newsweek's Daily Beast put out some
shots of parent-child bonding that are infinitely more shareable.  How about that polar bear cub gazing up at mom?  And little zebu getting in trouble?  But my favorite is the tamarin, if only because it involves the statement, "admires its mother's mustache," a seldom-used combination of words.

Sometimes, though, little babies, be they animal or human, need some time away from mom.  (Hear that, Time magazine cover lady?)  They long to get out and explore the world on their own.  Experience it for themselves.  But sometimes, something gets in the way.  And sometimes that thing is a window.  And sometimes the results are cute
photographs of planned escapes, adventures, and lives.  The main question that arises here is not what they are planning, but which one is cuter:  The kitten with its arm around the other in photo four, or the two-head-kitten-totem-pole of photo seven?  Or do dog and raccoon on the outside looking in trump them all?

And finally for today, we can't discuss animals looking out windows without me thinking of an
animal looking at Macs.  This is actually the funniest thing I have ever sent in a Morning Report.  Without fail, it makes me laugh out loud every time I read it.  I would make puns and witty remarks about it, but really, the writer of the piece has already got everything covered.  The entire process of analysis.  Everything you would experience when you see a horse in an Apple Store.  It's all there.  Ready to be laughed at.

Eat something terrible for you today; it's the 72nd anniversary of the opening of the first McDonalds (in
San Bernadino, California).


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