Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanks for Reading

Not a whole slew of links and commentary today, much as I want to share and reflect on a bunch of side dish recipes (brussels sprouts have never looked so good), the first Thanksgiving (Venison, drunk kids, dancing? Sounds standard to me...), and the history of turkey pardoning (Rest In Peace, Peace).  Instead, just an appropriately timed message of thanks.

When the Report started over seven months ago, it was a different animal.  It had three readers, the links were just copied and pasted into the text, there was no banner at all, let alone the celebratory holiday pie in the sky we've got today.  On the 29th Report, I thought there were 30, and a banner and blog were born to celebrate.  A week later the first custom banner came.  And this whole time, the distribution list was climbing.

This project has been and continues to be an absolute joy for me.  Sure, I have no way of knowing how many people open the e-mail, read it, or click the links.  I only get some idea based on responses in real life and in e-mails.  But still, just the idea of any readership at all makes it worth it.  Everyday tons of people explore the web.  But not everybody gets to share their explorations with great people like you all.

So, if you've read this far into this message, I'm assuming you're a regular reader, and I want to thank you.  Thank you for clicking the links.  For putting up with the puns and inane reflection.  For listening to me go on about the things that I care about.  For responding to the things that you care about and opening my eyes to new things.

And if you aren't reading this... Thanks for keeping the illusion alive by staying on the distribution list.

But to all of you, whether this gets read vigilantly or filtered to spam, I think there are four ladies who can put it best... Thank you for being a friend.


Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.  (An admittedly selfish gesture, as I am family for some of you.)

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